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Dear visitor of the MAINUFER GALLERY,
We wish to introduce you to the Artists and their Artworks. When we met with the Artists for the first time we had only two ideas in mind. The sculptures should be made out of wood and should reflect the theme of “Meeting(s)“. It was our aim to create along the Mainufer a place where people meet. Right from the start, at the time the Artist‘s Village was set up, we experienced fantastic meetings which led to interesting discussions and we met many local people and visitors from other towns. The visitors who had “travelled furtherst“ were an Art Teacher from Cuba and a Tourist from Mexico. Both were undertaking a cycle tour along the river Main. They were so facinated that they visited us twice. We also hope that you are inspired by our Gallery and that you might decide to come for a second visit.

Yours Stadtleitbildgruppe Mainufer Maintal

Heribert Heeg

Heribert Heeg has, since 1984, worked as a sculptor and painter.

When creating  his sculptures he is mainly influenced by the natural characteristics of the material.  Whether the wood has knots, or is  split,  influences his work as much as surprises, perceptions and indeed his own equally important imagination .  An interrelationship exists between wood and stone that constantly renews itself.



BANK DER BEGEGNUNG(EN) / (Meeting Bench)

HERIBERT HEEG translated the Artweek theme meeting(s) directly and made this bench out of maple and oak woods which came out of Maintal‘s urben forest. This bench is the starting point for a walk around our Mainufer Gallery. Take a seat and look around. Then start the actual walkround of our gallery.

Mabe you experience then what many visitors have said to us. Conversations with other visitors start, people start meeting. This is what we wished and aimed for. Please take time to relax and to enjoy the special atmosphere of the Mainufer in Maintal-Dörnigheim.


Created: In the temporary artist village Maintal
June 2018

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Hagga Bühler

HAGGA BÜHLER has been active as a Wood Sculptor for 40 years.

He began his career in the arts in 1982 . His artworks  are human, willful, rebellious, secretive, provokrative and sexy. The idea for the “Weeping Springer“ (Der „Weinende Springer“ ) came in the train between the towns of Heilbronn and Frankfurt.  Over the years he created many sculptures and groups of sculptures, usually about one metre plus in height.
In 2013 Hagga Bühler was awarded the honour of “European Wood Sculptor“ at a ceremony in Karlsruhe.
HAGGA BÜHLER is a member of the Creative Sculpture Council.




Inspired by a fairy tale written by Heinrich von Brentano, our artist HAGGA BÜHLER created the fairy tale figure GACKELAIA!  who is said to have lived in the palace of Phillipsruhe and to have walked occasionally on the meadows from there to Dörnigheim.  This is the reason for her place in the Mainufer Gallery, so that she can look in the direction of the Palace where she used to live many, many years ago.


Created in the temporary artist village Maintal
June 2018
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Reinhold Mehling
REINHOLD MEHLING discoverd sculpture while on holiday in the south of France 12 years ago.
Thereafter he worked together with other sculptors using marble.  Shortly after that he was given the position of Head Teacher in Sculpting at the open universities of Frankfurt and Hanau.
Five years ago he started to sculpt in  wood  and was subsequently able to stage the first artshow  devoted solely to his work.
A short list of his art exhibitions include: Höchster Kunstmarkt, Galerie Wohlleben, Kunstmeile Hanau, Werkraumgalerie Pancke, Rodgau Art, Menschwerk Aschaffenburg, Rumpenheimer Kunsttage and Galerie Kunstspeicher.




REINHOLD MEHLING of the UFERKUNST Gallery in Hanau-Steinheim, created the wood sculptures called EBONY & IVORY. Both sculptures lean towards each other and create the impression of sameness despite being very different. However they still generate a feeling of harmony. You will definately remember that wonderful song of Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder!
Ebony & Ivory living in perfect harmony…….
This is the reason why it was easy for us to name these sculptures EBONY & IVORY and why they form the centre of the group.




Created in the temporary artist village Maintal
June 2018

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Bianca Thater
Bianca Thater, was born 1969 in Limburg on the Lahn.  She lives today in Frankfurt on the river Main. 
She studied Industrial Business Engineering.  In 2012 she actively began sculpting in the art studio, Uferkunst, Hanau.  She discovered in 2014 her love of working with chainsaws, grinders and coloured paint. Her first exhibition of wooden sculptures took place in the Odenwald in 2017 and in April 2018 she staged an exhibition in Hösbach entitled   “Humanwork“.



K 718 - The Extraterrestrial

Here you see K 718, created by BIANCA THATER.  He looks upwards to the sky. He is lonely and dreams of being back on his own planet.  With this sculpture BIANCA THATER interprets and shows the weaknesses of our society, the loneliness, the  strangeness. That is why we gave him this position in our gallery so that he always has the sky and the stars in his sight.


Created: in the temporary art village Maintal
June 2018
More Informations


Lothar Steckenreiter

He trained as a goldsmith from 1980 till 1985 and  in 1985 became a free lance Goldsmith and Sculptor.
Between 1997-2003 he studied at the Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, and took evening classes in painting and sculpting.
He has been a member of the BBK Südhessen and of the Kunstgruppe 7/12 (Artgroup 7/12) since 1986.
He participates with his Sculptures, Installations , Pictures and Jewellery in at least 3 art group exhibitions annually.
His materials are: Wood and Metal




ÖOTHAR STECKENREITER  offers the viewer various options to gain different insights and perpectives to get in touch and to meet with the surroundings.  Looking at the Artwork, initially one  is given the impression that  it‘s impossible to see anything,  one is then afterwards surprised at how many perspectives the openings left by the artist offer, enjoying the view, not only of the surrounding area but also of the neighbouring Artworks.





Created: In the temporary artist village Maintal
June 2018

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